
Perfect age to start playing chess and why

Lately, you have been watching your child who is always sticked to his/her electronic gadgets. Well, so you have made up your mind and you want your kid to learn daunting game like chess and to be a better player? Yet, you’re not sure at which age your child should learn playing chess, right? Zero worries. Then, you’re at the right place. Let’s examine when your child ought to begin playing chess.

In this revolutionized era, people from all walks of life indulge themselves with e-games and glued to their gadgets. Unquestionably, regardless of age, even a 2-year-old child can’t anticipate a day without a smartphone. Thus, parents should always ponder over their children’s everyday moves which stimuluses children’s mental health.

Learn Chess

In my eyes, one should start learning chess between 6-9 years old. Chess is a extremely competitive game. So, at such early age child tend to learn anything very faster compared to a teenager, because younger the brain, more active it is. Also, young brains are more responsive and sensitive to experience. That’s why they can pick up new things very quickly compare to an adult. However, parents must also be aware that young chess players must take their time to become accustomed to and comprehend each move. Therefore, children can develop cognitive thinking skills at a very young age which can make themselves to interpret problems on their own without depending on anyone guidance. Surely, chess helps children to become more practical and capable of handling problems in the real world.

Best Moves by Chess Players

In fact, chess players also think wisely of their moves which have consequences that evaluate the benefits and drawbacks. This helps children anticipate the consequences of their actions and most importantly to think twice before any moves. Practically, these actions help one to think ahead of both good and bad impacts of a decision made. Additionally, planning your moves and making the best move you can might be beneficial; on the other hand, playing too rapidly and making snap judgements can have unfavourable effects. We strive to make the best moves to create favourable outcomes for our life, much like in the game of chess.

Additionally, chess is the ideal game for fostering in kids a strong sense of competition from an early age. So, this makes children to be aggressive and occupied with brainstorming tasks. Children, on the other hand, will exert more effort and strive for victory in every game of chess. They will constantly plan ahead to beat the opener the more they are accustomed to the strategies of chess. Although it is obvious that chess will teach you how to win and lose and how to tolerate losing, youngsters will come back as stronger players to perform at their best rather than worrying about losing. However, chess games also impart practical life skills, such as how to lose and then bounce back a stronger and wiser player. Without a doubt, it also pertains to the difficulties that young people will encounter in their daily lives.

Players Time Management

Chess players’ time management abilities are also improved by the game. As everyone know, triumphant is not only necessary in chess game, yet defeating your opener within limited time is the true champion! It is obvious that chess players will always learn to manage their time effectively to checkmate the opposition by selecting the right moves. Chess players also take the time to evaluate their setbacks and identify their own inadequacies. What can kids learn from this, then? Children undoubtedly wouldn’t carry their issues with them throughout their lives. They will constantly exert deliberate thought to find solutions as soon as possible.

Additionally, chess should be taught for children around 6-9 years old because chess is the gymnasium that improves memory and maintain health of one’s brain. Surely, chess also deepens focus of one during the game. A chess player has good memory skills than a non-chess player because he/she ought to memorize multiple permutations of moves and their possible consequences, chess players have higher memory skills than non-players. Moreover, chess players also have to remember tactics and patterns to win and indirectly it improves chess player’s concentration and determination. Chess players can maintain their cognitive fitness by playing the game, which will examine their reasoning skills, help them recognise patterns, and help them make judgements using both their visual and analytical faculties.


To conclude, chess game is perfect for children between the ages 6 and 9 years old because it’s a low-cost and easily accessible activity for children to become involved with at their own school. In addition, children of different ages, background and special needs can take part in chess club. Mark my words, you don’t have to be smart to play chess. You can demonstrate your divergence in your own particular style by using different strategies while coming up with plans, actions, and tactics. In short, always plan and choose your moves diligently and utilize all the strategies well.

By: Keshni

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