
Benefits of Chess in Daily Life

Human relationships with chessboard pieces are often underestimated. Many think chess games are just a game that just sharpens the brain and trains concentration. Many do not know, how the benefits of chess and its implementation in everyday life.

Chess in Sanskrit is called “caturangga” which means four corners. Then “caturangga” was absorbed into Persian, namely “shatranj” which was again adapted by English into “chess” which comes from the word “shah.” In the era of ancient dynasties, chess was used as education for nobles. Nowadays, chess is much loved by all ages, no longer limited to adults and the elderly, but has begun to move from children to teenagers. In addition, schools are now starting to make chess an extracurricular and are strongly supported by teachers and parents.

Benefits of Chess

This simple game turns out to have many positive benefits. In everyday life, it is not uncommon for humans to find or even have implemented this chess game. Not only sharpens the way of thinking to be more critical but, also can develop intellectual skills for students. The game of chess teaches children to form basic strategy concepts to reduce the fatal risk of sacrificing chess pieces. This supports children’s appreciation of the articulation of risk preferences they find in everyday life.

Chess has Psychological Impact

Chess is also useful in developing children’s cognitive potential, including empathy, memory, and creativity. For children, this is very good because it can make children more focused, patient, more concentrated in acting. For teenagers, chess can hone intelligence that is useful in learning Mathematics. Not only in children and adolescents chess is also useful as a therapeutic reference for the elderly who experience dementia or cognitive decline in memory, language, and attention. Chess has a psychological impact on the elderly, namely the stimulation of comfort so that it can make it easier for the elderly to receive information and also interact.

Help in Leadership

In addition, chess also promotes a sense of leadership. Players become the “leaders” of chess pieces and must make decisions by considering the good and bad. If implemented in life, chess teaches every player to think rationally and logically in taking every advantage with careful consideration between profit and profit. The disadvantage. The rules of stepping in chess give deep meaning to the process of their implementation in everyday life, the extent to which humans step and, humans are also taught not to violate boundaries in life.

Aspects of the world are created without perfection, as well as the game of chess. Chess is a game that not only involves brain abilities but also mental and physical. Some sources say that chess can increase the risk of muscle pain in the neck, high blood pressure , and cardiovascular complications or heart failure accompanied by a variety of other diseases.

Know the Tricks of Chess

Cardiovascular complications occur due to heart conditions that become more severe than previous conditions. Referring to the psychological side, chess has an addictive impact (especially if it has been used as a long-term habit) and makes players (including children) form sides of their individualism. Players are “demanded” in a complex way to figure out the problem-solving of each chess piece. This triggers a collection of energy and mental, and physical strength at one point that can cause pressure on the player’s mentality and trigger stress. It doesn’t stop there. Many people don’t like chess because it is too difficult for ordinary people to understand. For ordinary people, chess is a dizzying and boring game. Not infrequently many people hate chess games.

From all the problems above, it becomes a logical reason, why many people do not like chess. Therefore, as a solution, the Fédération Internationale des Échecs (FIDE) together with the chess federation bodies in each country cooperate with ministries or educational institutions of each country to facilitate chess programs to be included in the curriculum or compulsory selection of exclaws for elementary school students in grades 4 to 6, then junior high school, and High School. This aims to make chess a stimulant for the brain of students to think critically through simple games. In this curriculum, chess material or practice is only held 1 to 2 times a week with a sufficient duration of 1 hour 30 minutes. This is to minimize the occurrence of excessive mental stress for students.

Improved Coordination

In addition, every time the game ends, players can give evaluations to each other, as well as discuss what needs to be improved between players. The goal is to avoid hoarding selfishness and individualism and invite players to interact better between players. FIDE can also issue an open-class program on chess. The general public who wants to try chess games can take this class to understand more about chess games and how to make them easy. Not to forget FIDE held a campaign “1 hour with chess”, to provide a challenge for the general public to hone mindset skills, foster competitiveness healthy, and maintain psychological and brain health.

Final Thought

The game of chess is simple. Other aspects are interrelated with human life, both in aspects of physical health, mental health, and the prospect of long-term positive implementation. Chess may be difficult to understand. Fire, with the solution offered by the author, the general public of all groups, slowly but surely, can make chess a fun and rewarding game in the Long run.

By: Shandra Hannan

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